Jessica and team have done an exceptional job creating, polishing, and launching MTranet. Not being a technical guru, I was surprisingly excited perusing the new site and checking out the new features; BTW great job keeping it user-friendly. The energy put into this launch was well spent and I feel it elevates MGroup’s accountability, commitment, and stance in the hospitality market. I am wondering if we incorporated a way to track our visitors coming through the site?
Thank you, Matthew!
Jessica and team have done an exceptional job creating, polishing, and launching MTranet. Not being a technical guru, I was surprisingly excited perusing the new site and checking out the new features; BTW great job keeping it user-friendly. The energy put into this launch was well spent and I feel it elevates MGroup’s accountability, commitment, and stance in the hospitality market. I am wondering if we incorporated a way to track our visitors coming through the site?